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mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

7th Belgian Line Battalion, 1815

7th Belgian Line Infantry Battalion.
The infantry of Netherlands Army consisted of Dutch, Belgian, Nassau and Swiss mercenary troops.
An infantry battalion consisted of six Fusilier companies and two  companies of “Flanquers” (one equivalent to Grenadiers, the other to Light Infantry).
The Belgian infantry wore a uniform similar to that of the Dutch (blue coat with white facings), but with the distinctive “Belgic” shako in the British style.
The 7th Belgian Line Infantry Battalion, was in the Brigade of General van Bijlandt and was part of the 2nd (Netherlands) Division of Lieutenant General Baron de Perponcher-Sedlnitzky.
British historians of the Waterloo Campaign, often, have been ungenerous with the Dutch-Belgian Army.
The Belgian soldiers were unenthusiastic to fight against Napoleon, but did their duty.
The 7th Belgian arrived late at Quatre Bras, but it fought with courage and determination in the battle of Waterloo against the French I Corps.
On the behavior of the 7th Belgian at Waterloo, I suggest you read the book "The Battle" by Alessandro Barbero.
My 7th Belgian Line Battalion is made up of 16 figures (8 Fusiliers, 4 Grenadiers, 4 Light Infantry).
Figures of Front Rank.
Flags of Napflags.
Painted by Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

La fanteria dell'esercito dei Paesi Bassi consisteva di truppe olandesi, belghe, di Nassau e da truppe mercenarie svizzere.
Un battaglione di fanteria era composto da sei compagnie di fucilieri e due compagnie di "Flanquers" (una paragonabile ai granatieri, l'altra alla fanteria leggera).
La fanteria belga indossava un'uniforme simile a quella degli olandesi (giubba blu con risvolti bianchi), ma con il caratteristico shako "Belga" in stile britannico.
Il 7° Battaglione di Fanteria di Linea belga, era nella brigata del generale van Bijlandt e faceva parte della 2a Divisione (Paesi Bassi), del tenente generale barone de Perponcher-Sedlnitzky.
Gli Storici britannici della Campagna di Waterloo, spesso, sono stati ingenerosi con l'esercito belga-olandese.
I soldati belgi erano poco entusiasti di combattere contro Napoleone, ma hanno fatto il loro dovere.
Il 7° belga arrivò in ritardo a Quatre Bras, ma ha combattuto con coraggio e determinazione nella battaglia di Waterloo contro il I Corpo francese.
Sul comportamento del 7° belga a Waterloo, consiglio di leggere il libro "La Battaglia" di Alessandro Barbero.
Il mio 7° Battaglione di Linea belga è composto di 16 figure (8 fucilieri, 4 granatieri, 4 fanti leggeri).
Miniature della Front Rank.
Bandiere di Napflags.
Dipinti da Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

7th Belgian Line Infantry Battalion.

Command party.

Flank company (Grenadiers).

Flank company (Light Infantry).

Command party with Flag.

Badge of the shako.



Officer, drummer, grenadier and fusilier.

Grenadier N.C.O. and Officer of Fusiliers.

Original coat of a "Flanquer" N.C.O.

sabato 26 luglio 2014

1st Foot Guards Regiment, 1815

1st Foot Guards Regiment, 1815.
The 2nd and 3rd battalion of the 1st Guards Regiment belonged to the Major General Maitland Brigade of  Major General Cooke’s 1st British (Guards) Division.
The Foot Guards were uniformed like the line infantry, but with regimental distinctions.
Facings of all tree regiments of guards were dark blue, with gold lace for officers. Sergeants also wore gold lace, while that of the rank and file was white, in regimental patterns; the 1st Guards lace was equally spaced, in “bastion” shape.
The regiment carrying two regimental flags for each company.
My unit carries the insignia of the Second Company of the 1st Battalion.
My 1st Foot Guards contain 24 figures, including figures of the flank companies.
Figures of Front Rank.
Flags of Napflags.
Painted by Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

Il 2° e 3° battaglione del 1° Reggimento delle Guardie, appartenevano alla Brigata del maggior generale Maitland della 1a Divisione (Guardie) Britannica del maggior generale Cooke.
Le Guardie a Piedi erano vestite come la fanteria di linea, ma con le proprie distinzioni reggimentali.
Le mostreggiature di tutti e tre i reggimenti delle guardie erano blu scuro, con alamari dorati per gli ufficiali. Anche i sergenti indossavano alamari dorati, mentre quelli della truppa erano bianchi, nei modelli reggimentali; gli alamari del 1° Guardie erano distribuiti uniformemente, a forma di “bastione”.
Il reggimento portava due bandiere reggimentali per ogni compagnia.
La mia unità porta le insegne della seconda compagnia del 1° Battaglione.
Il mio 1° Guardie a Piedi contiene 24 figure, comprese le figure delle compagnie d’elite.
Miniature della Front Rank.
Bandiere di Napflags.
Dipinti da Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

1st Foot Guards Regiment, 1815.

Grenadier company.

Light infantry company.

Command party.

Command party.

Backpacks and equipment.

Officer coat.

Private coat.
Private, centre company.

Private, flank company.
Drummer, officer, N.C.O., privates.

mercoledì 23 luglio 2014

British-Allied Order of Battle at Quatre-Bras

British-Allied Order of Battle at Quatre-Bras June 16, l8l5 (G. Naftziger)

Ordine di battaglia anglo-alleato a Quatre-Bras, 16 giugno 1815 (G. Naftziger)

Duke of Wellington


Prince of Orange

lst (British) Division: Major General Cooke

lst (British) Brigade: Major General Maitland
2/lst Guards Regiment (l,02l)
3/lst Guards Regiment (l,066)

2nd (British) Brigade: Major General Sir Byng
2/Coldstream Guard Regiment (l,044)
2/3rd Guard Regiment (l,l04)

Sandham's Battery, RA, (5-9pdrs & l How)
Kuhlman's Battery KGL (5-6pdrs & l How)

3rd (Anglo-Hanoverian) Division: Major General Sir Charles Alten

C. Halkett
5th (British) Brigade: Major General Sir Colin Halkett
2/30th (Cambridgshire) Regiment (657)
2/73rd (Highland) Regiment (604)

lst (Hanoverian) Brigade: Major General Count von Kielmansegge
Bremen Field Battalion (552)
Verden Field Battalion (573)
York Field Battalion (647)
Lüneberg Field Battalion (635)
Grubenhagen Jager Battalion (66l)
Feldjäger Korps (340)

Lloyd's Battery, RA (5-9pdrs & l How)
Cleeve's Battery, RA (5-9pdrs & l How)

de Perponcher-Sedlnitzky
2nd (Netherlands) Division: General Lieutenant de Perponcher-Sedlnitzky

van Bijlandt
lst Brigade: General Major Bijlandt
7th (Belgian) Line (70l)
27th (Dutch) Line Battalion (809)
5th Militia Battalion (482)
7th Militia Battalion (675)
8th Militia Battalion (566)

Prince of Saxe-Weimar
2nd Brigade: General Major HSH Prince Bernard of  Saxe-Weimar
l/2nd Nassau Regiment (903)
2/2nd Nassau Regiment (903)
3/2nd Nassau Regiment (903)
l/Orange-Nassau Regiment (795)
2/Orange-Nassau Regiment (796)
Nassau Freiwilliger Jäger Det. (l co) (l69)

Stievenart Battery (8 6pdr guns)
Sijleveldt Battery (8 6pdr guns)

van Melen
3rd (Netherlands) Cavalry Brigade: Major General van Merlen
6th Dutch-Belgian Hussar Regiment (64l)
5th Belgian Light Dragoon Regiment (44l)


Sir Thomas Picton
5th (Anglo-Hanoverian) Division: Lieutenant General Picton

8th Brigade: Major General Kempt
l/28th Foot Regiment (594)
l/32nd Foot Regiment (7l2)

9th Brigade: Major General Pack
3/lst Foot Regiment (648)
l/42nd Foot Regiment (56l)
2/44th Foot Regiment (485)
1/92nd Foot Regiment (?)

4th (Hanoverian) Brigade: Colonel Best
Verden Landwehr Battalion (66l)
Luneburg Landwehr Battalion (664)
Osterode Landwehr Battalion (7l7)
Munden Landwehr Battalion (700)

Rogers Battery (5-9pdrs & l How)
vonRettberg (5-9pdrs & l How)

Duke of Brunswick
Brunswick Contingent: HSH Frederick, Prince of Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel-Oels

Advanced Guard: Major von Rauschenplatt
Uhlan Sqn (232)
Hussar Regiment (690)

lst Brigade: Oberstlieutenant von Buttlar
Leib Battalion (672)
Advance-Guard Battalion (672)
lst Light Infantry Battalion (672)
2nd Light Infantry Battalion (672)
3rd Light Infantry Battalion (672)

2nd Brigade: Oberstlieutenant von Specht
lst Line Infantry Battalion (672)
2nd Line Infantry Battalion (672)
3rd Line Infantry Battalion (672)

Von Heinemann's Horse Battery (8 6pdr guns)
Moll's Foot Battery (8 6pdr guns)

sabato 19 luglio 2014

Uniforms of Sardinian Army 1793-1796

Sardinian Infantry: Infantry Grenadiers, Chasseurs and Flank companies officers
La Marina Regiment N.C.O.
The Kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont was at war with revolutionary France, from 1793 to 1796. During these years his army defended the Piedmont. The Royal Troops sardines year fought many battles in the Alps, on the Ligurian coast, in the siege of Toulon and the first Italian campaign of Napoleon.
Below, I present the uniforms of the infantry of the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, during the revolutionary wars and the first Italian campaign of Napoleon.
Outside Italy, very little is known on the role Sardinian-Piedmontese army of that period. Even fewer know its uniforms.
Sometimes the Piedmontese soldiers are confused with the Neapolitan army or the Spanish one!
·         SARDINIAN INFANTRY 1793-1797
In the period 1793-1797 the Sardinian infantry consisted of:
-          1 Guards Regiment (now the Regiment of Grenadiers of Sardinia);
-          1 Royal Regiment of Grenadiers (grantieri and chasseurs);
-          9 regiments of ordinance (volunteers recruited among the subjects of the kingdom);
-          11 foreign regiments (mostly Swiss mercenaries and German);
-          14 provincial regiments (recruited by conscription);
-          Specialist Infantry (Frigate Battalion and Encampment Legion);
-          Various units of Light troops, mainly the Light Troops Legion (today is a force of police, the Guardia di Finanza).
Usually the order and provincial regiments bore the name of a city, province or region, but with a few exceptions:
-          Guards Regiment (Reggimento Guardie)
-          The Navy Regiment (Reggimento La Marina)
-          The Queen Regiment (Reggimento La Regina)
-          Battalion of Fregate (Battaglione delle Fregate)
-          Legion of Camps/Encampments (Legione degli Accampamenti).
The foreign regiments bore the name of their colonel, except the following:
-          Regiment Lombardy (Reggimento Lombardia) (formally considered national, but foreigners)
-          Oneglia Regiment (formally considered provincial, but foreigners)
-          Royal German Regiment (Reggimento Real Alemanno)
-          Chablais Regiment (Reggimento Chiablese) 
-          Valais Regiment (Reggimento Vallesano)
-          Bern Regiment (Reggimento Bernese)
-          Grisons Regiment (Reggimento Grigione).
Generally, the regiments were made up of two battalions of infantry and flank companies of Grenadiers and Chasseurs (Cacciatori).
Regiment        →        2 battalions.
Battalion         →        4 Fusilier companies,
2 Grenadier companies,
1 Chasseur company,
1 Reserve company.
At the beginning of 1793 all the regiments of national and foreign ordinance had a force of 1,385 men, including officers.
Links about the Piedmontese army:
Links about the uniforms and flags of the army of Piedmont:

Il Regno di Sardegna è stato in guerra con la Francia rivoluzionaria, dal 1793 al 1796.
In questi anni il suo esercito ha difeso il Piemonte. Le Reali Truppe sarde anno combattuto numerose battaglie sulle Alpi, sulla costa ligure, all'assedio di Tolone e nella prima campagna d'Italia di Napoleone.
Di seguito, presento le uniformi della fanteria del regno di Sardegna-Piemonte, durante le guerre rivoluzionarie e la prima campagna d'Italia napoleonica.
Al di fuori dell'Italia si conosce molto poco il ruolo dell'esercito sardo-piemontese di quel periodo. Ancora meno si conoscono le sue uniformi.
All’estero talvolta i soldati piemontesi sono confusi con l'esercito napoletano o con quello spagnolo!
·         Fanteria Sarda 1793-1797
Nel periodo 1793-1797 la fanteria sarda era formata da:
-          1 Reggimento Guardie (attuale Reggimento Granatieri di Sardegna);
-          1 Reggimento di Reali Granatieri (granatieri e cacciatori);
-          9 reggimenti di ordinanza (volontari reclutati tra i sudditi del regno);
-          11 reggimenti stranieri (in maggioranza mercenari svizzeri e tedeschi);
-          14 reggimenti provinciali (reclutati con la leva obbligatoria);
-          Truppe specialistiche (Battaglione delle Fregate e Legione degli accampamenti);
-          Varie unità di Truppe leggere, principalmente la Legione Truppe Leggere (oggi è una forza di polizia: la Guardia di Finanza).
Di solito i reggimenti di ordinanza e provinciali portavano il nome di una città, provincia o regione, ma con qualche eccezione:
-          Reggimento Guardie
-          Reggimento La Marina
-          Reggimento La Regina
-          Battaglione delle Fregate
-          Legione degli Accampamenti
I reggimenti stranieri portavano il nome del loro colonnello, tranne i seguenti:
-          Reggimento Lombardia (formalmente considerato nazionale, ma composto da stranieri)
-          Reggimento Oneglia (formalmente considerato provinciale, ma composto da stranieri)
-          Reggimento Real Alemanno
-          Reggimento Chiablese
-          Reggimento Vallesano
-          Reggimento Bernese
-          Reggimento Grigione
In genere i reggimenti erano costituiti da 2 battaglioni di fanti e da compagnie scelte di granatieri e cacciatori.
Reggimento    →        2 battaglioni.
Battaglione     →        4 compagnie di Fucilieri,
2 compagnie di Granatieri,
1 compagnia di Cacciatori,
1 compagnia di riserva.
All’inizio del 1793 tutti i reggimenti d’ordinanza nazionali ed esteri avevano un organico di 1.385 uomini, ufficiali compresi.
Link sull’esercito piemontese:
Link sulle uniformi e bandiere dell’armata piemontese:


Austrian-Sardinian Army, 1796

CinC: Michelangelo Alessandro Colli-Marchini

General Provera Corps
44th IR Belgiojoso (Austrian - 2 bns. & 2 Grenadier companies)
Gyulai Freicorps  (2 Austrian bns.)
Forces at La Pedaggera (brigadier general Brempt)
Vercelli Infantry Regiment (2 bns.)
Real Alemanno Infantry Regiment (2 bns.)
Genova Infantry Regiment (2 bns.)
Chiablese Infantry Regiment (2 bns.)
Pioneer Corps (1 bn.)
Bormida Vanguards (Colonel Colli da Vigevano)
2 Chasseur bns. & 2 Chasseur companies
Acqui Infantry Regiment (2 bns. & 2 Chasseur companies)
Tortona Infantry Regiment (1 bn.)
1 Coatian bn.
3 Militia companies
Fortified Camp of Ceva (General Vital)
Oneglia Infantry Regiment (2 bns. & 2 Grenadier companies)
Savoia Infantry Regiment (2 bns.)
Guards Infantry Regiment (1 bn.)
Valais Infantry Regiment "Stettler" (3 bns.)
2 Grenadier bns. (del Carreto & de la Tour)
Tanaro vanguards (brigadier general Dichat)
Light Troops Legion (2 bns.)
Torino Infantry Regiment (2 companies)
Chasseurs & Grenadiers of the  Light Troops Legion (6 companies)
Franc Chasseurs & Nice Chasseurs (11 companies)
Bicocca Camp (San Michele Mondovì)
Royal Grenadiers Regiment (2 bns.)
Austrian garrison (1 bn.)
Dichat’s Grenadier Regiment (2 bns.)
Mondovì Infantry Regiment (2 bns. & 1 Chasseur company)
Reserve troops: 5 half battalions


Guards Regiment

Chiablese and La Regina Regiments
(Drum major and drummer)

Schmidt and La Marina Regiments
(Grenadier officer and officer)
Light Troops Legion (Legione Truppe Leggere)