domenica 15 giugno 2014

33rd Regiment of Foot (1st York West Riding), 1815.

33rd Regiment of Foot, Grenadiers and Battalion Coys.
33rd Regiment of Foot, Light Company.
The 33rd Regiment of Foot (1st York West Riding) belonged to the British 5th Brigade (Major-General C. Halkett). The regiment was composed of a single battalion.
The unit was part of the 3rd British Infantry Division of Sir Charles von Alten (1st Corps).
The regiment has typical red facings. The laces are in the form of "bastion".
The regimental flag is white with a red cross, as for all the regiments with red or white facings.
The unit is represented by 16 miniature figures, including 4 of light infantry and 4 of grenadiers.
The figures are from Wargames Foundry
Flags: Victrix.
Painting: Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

Il 33° reggimento di fanteria (1° York West Riding) apparteneva alla 5° Brigata britannica (maggior generale C. Halkett). Il reggimento era composto da un unico battaglione.
L’unità faceva parte della 3° Divisione di Fanteria britannica di sir Charles von Alten (I Corpo).
Il reggimento porta caratteristiche mostreggiature rosse e alamari a forma di “bastione”.
La bandiera reggimentale è bianca con croce rossa, come per tutti i reggimenti con mostreggiature rosse o bianche.
L’unità in miniatura è rappresentata da 16 figure, di cui 4 di fanti leggeri e 4 di granatieri.
Le figure sono della Wargames Foundry.
Bandiere: Victrix.
Pittura: Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).
33rd Regiment of Foot, 1815.

33rd Regiment of Foot, 1815.

33rd - NCO
33rd - Officer of Light Company.

33rd - Battalion Company-

33rd - Colonel and Regimental flag

6 commenti:

  1. Ottimo lavoro Simone!

  2. bel reportage e ottimi figurini!

    1. He he, grazie Luca, sempre troppo buono.
      Ciao e buon lavoro per il tuo prossimo diorama

  3. Risposte
    1. Hi Rodger,
      thanks for the compliments.
      I hope you like them too the next figures.
      See you soon
