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lunedì 29 settembre 2014

2nd Nassau-Usingen Regiment, 18152

2nd Nassau-Usingen Regiment.

2nd Nassau-Usingen Regiment.

King William I of the Netherlands was also Grand Duke of Nassau, and in consequence the 1st and 2nd Nassau Regiments and Regiment of Orange-Nassau joined the Netherlands Army and fought in the Waterloo campaign.
The 2nd Regiment fought at Quatre-Bras defending the wood of Bossu from attacks by the French infantry brigade of Jerome Bonaparte.
At the battle of Waterloo, the companies of the 2nd Regiment fought in defence of the castle of Hougoumont, and the farm of Papelotte.
Each Nassau regiment consisted of three battalions, each comprising four Fusilier companies, one Grenadier company, and a “Flanquer” company of light Infantry.
The uniform of the 2nd Regiment were only slightly modified from those in use under the Confederation of the Rhine. The regiment wore green coat and breeches with black facings and yellow lace. The French style shako  was covered in black waterproof material. Pompons were in the company colours: light blue for the 1st company, white for the 2nd, yellow for the 3rd, and green or black for the 4th. Grenadiers wore a bearskin busby with red plume and cords, and red French style epaulettes. The Flaquers wore green shako cords, yellow tipped green plume and green epaulettes. Also of note were the yellow-buff  belts, peculiar of the Nassau regiments.
The 2nd Nassau-Usingen Regt. Was placed together with the Regiment of Orange-Nassau in the 2nd Dutch-Belgian Division of Leutenant General Baron de Perponcher in the Prince of Orange’s I Corps.
The regiment fought at Quatre-Bras defending the wood of Bossu from attacks by the French infantry brigade of Jerome Bonaparte.
At the battle of Waterloo companies of the 2nd Regiment fought in defense of the castle and the farm of Hougoumont Papelotte.
My 2nd Nassau-Usingen Regiment comprising 24 figures (16 Fusiliers, 4 Grenadiers and 4 Flanquers).
Figures by Elite Miniatures.
Flag by Red Scorpion.
Painted by Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).
Il re Guglielmo I dei Paesi Bassi era anche gran duca di Nassau e di conseguenza il 1° e il 2° Reggimento di Nassau e il Reggimento di Orange-Nassau erano aggregati all’armata dei Paesi Bassi e hanno combattuto nella campagna di Waterloo.
Il 2° Reggimento ha combattuto a Quatre-Bras difendendo il bosco di Bossu dagli attacchi della brigata di fanteria francese di Jerome Bonaparte.
Alla battaglia di Waterloo le compagnie del 2° Reggimento hanno combattuto a difesa del castello di Hougoumont e della fattoria di Papelotte.
Ogni reggimento di Nassau consisteva di tre battaglioni, ciascuno comprendente quattro compagnie di fucilieri, una compagnia di granatieri e una compagnia di “Flaquers” (volteggiatori) di fanteria leggera. L’uniforme del 2° reggimento era stata solo leggermente modificata da quella in uso sotto la Confederazione del Reno. Il reggimento indossava giubba e pantaloni verdi con mostreggiature nere filettate di giallo. Lo shako in stile francese era coperto da materiale impermeabile nero. I pompon erano nei colori della copagnia: celeste per la 1° compagnia, bianco per la 2°, giallo per la 3°, e verde o nera per la 4°. I granatieri indossavano un berrettone di pelo d’orso con pennacchio e cordoni  rossi, e spalline di stile francese rosse. I volteggiatori indossavano cordoni dello shako verdi, pennacchio verde sormontato di giallo e spalline verdi. Degni di nota erano anche le bandoliere di colore giallo camoscio, peculiari dei reggimenti di Nassau.
Il 2° Reggimento di Nassau-Usingen era inserito assieme al Reggimento di Orange-Nassau nella 2° Divisione belga-olandese del tenente generale barone de Perponcher nel I Corpo del principe d’Orange.
Il reggimento ha combattuto a Quatre-Bras difendendo il bosco di Bossu dagli attacchi della brigata di fanteria francese di Jerome Bonaparte.
Alla battaglia di Waterloo le compagnie del 2° Reggimento hanno combattuto a difesa del castello di Hougoumont e della fattoria di Papelotte.
Soldatini della Elite Miniatures.
Bandiera della Red Scorpion.
Pittura di Luca Onesti (Strategia Nova).

Grenadier company.

Grenadier company, back view.

Command party.

Command party.


"Flanquer" company in skirmish.

Fusilier coat.

Colours of Nassau infantry.

Mounted officers of the 2nd Nassau-Usingen Regt.

"Flanquer" company.

Officer of the 3rd company.

Fusiliers (2nd and 4th company).

Grenadier company.

Durmmer of the 1st company.

Drummer, officer, N.C.O. and private.

domenica 21 settembre 2014

"Roma Gioca 2014" event report

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

Saturday 20 and today, takes place in Rome the "Roma Gioca" wargame convention.
The Saturday was very interesting, with a tournament of the "Empires and Feuds" rules, a number of exhibition stands, re-enactors and many wargame demonstration tables. 

Sabato 20 e oggi, si svolge a Roma la covention di wargame "Roma Gioca".
La giornata di sabato è stata molto interessante, con un torneo delle regole "Imperi e Feudi", numerosi stand espositivi, rievocatori storici e molti tavoli dimostrativi di wargame.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 - Wargame Association "Le Grenadier" -
Rules of the game: ARMY CORPS.

BATTLE OF MONTENOTTE 1796 (French cap).



Tournament "Empires and Feuds."

Tournament "Empires and Feuds."

Tournament "Empires and Feuds."

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.

BATTLE OF SCIULAT TUCUL 1895 - Rules of the game: LIONS OF AMBE.




FORCE ON FORCE - ARSM Gamer (Roman Association of Historical Simulations).

FORCE ON FORCE - ARSM Gamer (Roman Association of Historical Simulations).

FORCE ON FORCE - ARSM Gamer (Roman Association of Historical Simulations).

FORCE ON FORCE - ARSM Gamer (Roman Association of Historical Simulations).

FORCE ON FORCE - ARSM Gamer (Roman Association of Historical Simulations).


RESCUE MISSION 1759 - Association of Historical Modeling Civitanova Marche -
Rules of the game: SMOOTH AND RIFLED.

RESCUE MISSION 1759 - Association of Historical Modeling Civitanova Marche -
Rules of the game: SMOOTH AND RIFLED.

RESCUE MISSION 1759 - Association of Historical Modeling Civitanova Marche -
Rules of the game: SMOOTH AND RIFLED.

LEADERS IN THE STORM - Lanze Spezzate Association -
Rules of the game: COMMANDERS IN THE STORM


BATTLE EPIC - Rules of the game: BATTLE EPIC.

Books, exhibitors and retailers.

Chess tournament.