Oggi voglio parlarvi di due opere indispensabili a chi vuole avvicinarsi alla Guerra d’Indipendenza americana dal punto di vista storico, uniformologico e del wargame.
La prima è il libro “Uniforms of the American Revolution” di Jhon Mollo e Malcom McGregor.
Si tratta di un libro pubblicato negli anni settanta che ha avuto numerose riedizioni.
Le numerose illustrazioni di McGregor e il testo di Mollo presentano le uniformi dei combattenti, l’organizzazione degli eserciti, alcuni ordini di battaglia e una sintetica, ma completa descrizione delle campagne.
Alcune notizie sulle uniformi sono un po’ datate se confrontate alle nuove ricerche di studiosi attuali come Don Troiani, ma nonostante questo è un ottimo libro che da una panoramica completa del conflitto.
Oggi non è facile trovarlo, ma è ancora possibile, attraverso E-Bay o Amazon.com ad esempio.
In Italia potete provare presso Tuttostoria o Libreria Militare.
La seconda opera è un libro digitale (un CD-Rom con files .PDF).
Si tratta di “Uniforms of the American Revolution 1775-1783 – Combined Volumes 1 & 2” di Timothy J. Reese.
Presenta tutte le uniformi dei reggimenti britannici, francesi e tedeschi e buona parte di quelle indossate dagli americani, raccoglie anche molte bandiere. Il testo descrive la storia dei reggimenti coinvolti e alcune annotazioni sulle uniformi.
Anche quest’opera non può mancare agli interessati del periodo, è più facilmente reperibile anche se un po’ cara, ma ne vale la pena.
In Italia il CD può essere acquistato per corrispondenza presso Tuttostoria di Parma, all’estero può essere ordinato presso British Battles.
Buona Pasqua!
Today I want to talk about two essential works for those who want to get closer to the American War of Independence from the historical point of view, uniforms and wargames.
The first is the book "Uniforms of the American Revolution" by John Mollo and Malcolm McGregor.
This is a book published in the seventies who has had numerous reissues.
The numerous illustrations in the text of McGregor and Mollo have the uniforms of the combatants, the organization of armies, orders of battle and a concise but complete description of the campaigns.
Some news on the uniforms are a bit 'dated when compared to new research by scholars today as Don Troiani, but despite this is a great book by a complete overview of the conflict.
Today it is not easy to find, but it is still possible through E-Bay or Amazon.com for example.
InItaly you can try at Tuttostoria or Libreria Militare.
The second work is a digital book (CD-ROM with PDF files).
It's "Uniforms of the American Revolution 1775-1783 - Combined Volumes 1 & 2" by Timothy J. Reese.
It has all the uniforms of the regiments British, French and German and most of those worn by the Americans, also collects a lot of flags. The text describes the history of the regiments involved, and some notes on their uniforms.
Even this can not fail to interested parties of the period, is more easily available even if a bit 'expensive but worth it.
InItaly the CD can be purchased by mail order from Tuttostoria of Parma, abroad can be ordered from British Battles.
The first is the book "Uniforms of the American Revolution" by John Mollo and Malcolm McGregor.
This is a book published in the seventies who has had numerous reissues.
The numerous illustrations in the text of McGregor and Mollo have the uniforms of the combatants, the organization of armies, orders of battle and a concise but complete description of the campaigns.
Some news on the uniforms are a bit 'dated when compared to new research by scholars today as Don Troiani, but despite this is a great book by a complete overview of the conflict.
Today it is not easy to find, but it is still possible through E-Bay or Amazon.com for example.
The second work is a digital book (CD-ROM with PDF files).
It's "Uniforms of the American Revolution 1775-1783 - Combined Volumes 1 & 2" by Timothy J. Reese.
It has all the uniforms of the regiments British, French and German and most of those worn by the Americans, also collects a lot of flags. The text describes the history of the regiments involved, and some notes on their uniforms.
Even this can not fail to interested parties of the period, is more easily available even if a bit 'expensive but worth it.
Happy Easter!
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Libro di Mollo e McGregor - Mollo & Mc Gregor's Book |
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Testo - Text |
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Americani e assiani - Americans and Hessians |
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Americani, realisti e indiani - Americans, Royalists and Indians |
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CD-rom di T. J. Reese - T. J. Reese's CD-rom |
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Illustrazione di T. J. Reese - T. J. Reese's Picture |
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Illustrazione di T. J. Reese - T. J. Reese's Picture |
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Illustrazione di T. J. Reese - T. J. Reese's Picture |
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Illustrazione di T. J. Reese - T. J. Reese's Picture |
A great book...and a great period!
RispondiEliminaThanks Phil,
RispondiEliminayou're right.