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Illustrazione di Gerry Embleton - Illustration by Gerry Embleton |
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Posizioni americane sulla penisola di Charlestown - American positions on the peninsula of Charlestown |
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Movimenti delle forze britanniche - Movements of the British forces |
Nei giorni successivi allo scontro di Lexington e Concord del 19 aprile 1775, una forza di 20.000 coloni americani si raduno nei dintorni di Boston.
Il generale Gage, preoccupato da questa massa di uomini, si rinchiuse nella città rinunciando a difendere le zone circostanti.
Il Congresso Provinciale del Massachusetts formò un esercito d’osservazione agli ordini del generale Jhon Thomas, lentamente andava prendendo forma l’assedio americano alla città.
Successivamente il Congesso Continentale, riunito a Filadelfia, costituì un Corpo d’osservazione.
Il 12 giugno Gage impose la legge marziale e decise l’occupazione di alcuni luoghi strategici nei dintorni di Boston, tra cui la penisola di Charlestown.
Scoperte le intenzioni britanniche la Commissione di sicurezza dei coloni americani, il 15 giugno decise di occupare la collina di Bunker Hill e di costruirvi delle opere di difesa.
Il 17 giugno 1775, quando sbarcarono sulla spiaggia della penisola di Cherlestown, i britannici dovettero affrontare circa 2.400 fanti americani con alcuni pezzi d’artiglieria, riparati dietro trincee e palizzate al comando del generale Israel Putnam, del colonnello Prescott e del dottor Warren.
Per lo svolgimento della battaglia e l’elenco delle forze britanniche rimando al post “Le unità britanniche alla battaglia di Bunker Hill / The British troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill” del 16 febbraio 2012.
La reale consistenza delle forze americane a difesa di Breed’s Hill non è certa, ma sembra che le truppe americane fossero le seguenti:
Comandante: maggior generale Israel Putnam (circa 2.400 fanti e alcuni pezzi d’artiglieria)
Brigata Prescott: colonnello William Prescott
Rgt. Prescott (Massachusetts )
Rgt. Freye (Massachusetts )
Rgt. Doolittle (Massachusetts )
Rgt. Brewer (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Nixon (Massachusetts)
Distaccamenti di schermagliatori a difesa della città di Charlestown
Batteria da 3 lb. di Gridley
Brigata Stark: colonnello John Stark
Rgt. Stark (New Hampshire)
Rgt. Reed (New Hampshire )
Rgt. Knowlton (Connecticut ) e Trevet (Mass. )
Le truppe americane erano totalmente formate da milizia, me non erano poi male, perché costituite anche da molti veterani delle guerre franco-indiane, inoltre molti miliziani erano abili cacciatori e quindi ottimi tiratori, soprattutto quelli armati di fucile rigato.
A discapito delle forze americane, invece c’era la mancanza quasi totale di baionette, che le rendeva vulnerabili nei combattimenti corpo a corpo e la mancanza di un comando unificato e di una linea di comando ben stabilita. Anche la mancanza di un valido rifornimento di munizioni ebbe un effetto negativo sull’esito finale del combattimento.
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La brigata Stark - Stark Brigade |
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Gli abitanti di Boston seguono la battaglia dai tetti della città - The inhabitants of Boston follow the battle from the rooftops of the city |
In the days after the battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, a force of 20,000 American settlers are gathering in the Boston area.
General Gage, worried by this mass of men, shut himself up in the city refusing to defend the surrounding areas.
The Provincial Congress ofMassachusetts formed an army of observation under General John Thomas, was slowly taking shape the American siege of the city.
Subsequently, the Continental Congesso meeting inPhiladelphia , built a body of observation.
On June 12 Gage imposed martial law and decided the occupation of certain strategic locations in theBoston area, including the peninsula of Charlestown .
On 15 June, the Security Commission of the American colonists discovered the British intentions and decided to occupy the hillBunker Hill building defense works.
On 17 June 1775, when they landed on the beach Cherlestown peninsula, the British were faced with about 2,400 American soldiers with a few pieces of artillery, trenches and take cover behind fences, under the command of General Israel Putnam, Colonel Prescott and Dr. Warren.
For the conduct of the battle and the list of British forces refer to the post "Le truppe britanniche alla battaglia di Bunker Hill / The British troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill" on 16 February 2012.
The real substance of American forces in defense of Breed's Hill is not certain, but it seems that American troops were the following:
Commander: Major General Israel Putnam (about 2,400 infantry and some artillery pieces)
Prescott Brigade: Colonel William Prescott
Rgt. Prescott (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Freye (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Bridge (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Doolittle (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Brewer (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Nixon (Massachusetts)
Detachments of skirmishers to protect the city of Charlestown
Battery 3-lb. Gridley
Stark Brigade: Colonel John Stark
Rgt. Stark (New Hampshire)
Rgt. Reed (New Hampshire)
Rgt. Knowlton (Connecticut) and Trevet (Mass.)
The American troops were fully formed by Militia, I was not too bad, because it made too many veterans of the French and Indian wars, many militiamen were also skilled hunters and good shooters, especially those armed with rifles lined.
To the detriment ofU.S. forces, there was the almost total lack of bayonets, which made them vulnerable to melee combat and the lack of a unified command and a command line to be established. The lack of a good supply of ammunition had a negative effect on the final outcome of the fight.
General Gage, worried by this mass of men, shut himself up in the city refusing to defend the surrounding areas.
The Provincial Congress of
Subsequently, the Continental Congesso meeting in
On June 12 Gage imposed martial law and decided the occupation of certain strategic locations in the
On 15 June, the Security Commission of the American colonists discovered the British intentions and decided to occupy the hill
On 17 June 1775, when they landed on the beach Cherlestown peninsula, the British were faced with about 2,400 American soldiers with a few pieces of artillery, trenches and take cover behind fences, under the command of General Israel Putnam, Colonel Prescott and Dr. Warren.
For the conduct of the battle and the list of British forces refer to the post "Le truppe britanniche alla battaglia di Bunker Hill / The British troops at the Battle of Bunker Hill" on 16 February 2012.
The real substance of American forces in defense of Breed's Hill is not certain, but it seems that American troops were the following:
Commander: Major General Israel Putnam (about 2,400 infantry and some artillery pieces)
Prescott Brigade: Colonel William Prescott
Rgt. Prescott (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Freye (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Bridge (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Doolittle (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Brewer (Massachusetts)
Rgt. Nixon (Massachusetts)
Detachments of skirmishers to protect the city of Charlestown
Battery 3-lb. Gridley
Stark Brigade: Colonel John Stark
Rgt. Stark (New Hampshire)
Rgt. Reed (New Hampshire)
Rgt. Knowlton (Connecticut) and Trevet (Mass.)
The American troops were fully formed by Militia, I was not too bad, because it made too many veterans of the French and Indian wars, many militiamen were also skilled hunters and good shooters, especially those armed with rifles lined.
To the detriment of
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Il generale Putnam - General Putnam |
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Il colonnello Prescott - Colonel Prescott |
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Il dottor Warren - Dr. Warren |
Nice explanations, and a high quality presentation! I like it, the illustrations are really nice.
RispondiEliminaBravo, ancora un buon articolo...
Thanks Phil,
RispondiEliminasoon will post an article on the uniforms and organization of the American regiments.
Grazie Phil,
prossimamente posterò un articolo sulle uniformi e l'organizzazione dei reggimenti americani.